(Overview) Y. Mine Micro-Mechanical Characterisation of Hydrogen Embrittlement and Fatigue Crack Growth Behaviours in Metastable Austenitic Stainless Steels with Microstructure Refinement Materials Transactions 64 (2023) 1474-1488.
G. Li, D. Chen, Y. Mine, K. Takashima, Y. Zheng Fatigue behavior of biodegradable Zn-Li binary alloys in air and simulated body fluid with pure Zn as control Acta Biomaterialia 168 (2023) 637-649.
International conference treatise
K. Kwak, Y. Mine, S. Morito, T. Ohmura, K. Takashima Microtensile behaviour and correlation between strength and hardness of lath martensite substructures in low- and medium-carbon steels Thermec2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023.07.03
(Keynote) Y. Mine and K. Takashima Microstructural fatigue crack growth behaviour in austenitic stainless steels Thermec2023, Vienna, Austria, 2023.07.05