About our lab.

About us
Lab. of Microstructure and Interface Control and Engineering (MICE)

 Many of the materials around us are polycrystalline materials composed of many crystals or "grains". Grain boundaries are interfaces between two grains of different orientations, and their structures and properties depend on the crystal orientation relationship between the neighbouring grains. The properties of grain boundaries often control the physical properties of the entire polycrystalline material. One example of the importance of grain boundaries is the issue, recently in the news, of cracks in nuclear reactors. In many cases the cause is the the "stress corrosion cracking" phenomenon, which occurs preferentially along grain boundaries. Thus a phenomenon that occurs locally on a nanometre scale governs the performance and reliability of the entire structure. However, an important point is that all types of grain boundaries necessarily have the same effect and there are certain types at which stress corrosion cracking hardly occurs at all.

 Similarly, in polycrystalline silicon solar cells, a key technology in the search for greener and cleaner energy, grain boundaries are one of the main causes of losses causing decreases in the conversion efficiency of sunlight to electrical energy, but it has been shown that not all grain boundaries contribute to this loss to the same extent. These two examples show that it is important to make the best use of the individual characteristics of grain boundaries to design and control materials properties. The research in our group takes as its basis grain boundary and interface science and engineering and the PMP triangle of 'Microstructure-Properties-Processing', with the aim of developing advanced materials with excellent function and performance.


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    Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Nanoindentation Softening and Hardening in Iron: Ferrite Phase of S25C and Single-crystal Fe-3wt.%Si

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    Yasuhiro MORIZONO, Takateru YAMAMURO, Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Carburization Ability of Novel Solid Carburizing Method Using a Mixture of Iron, Graphite and Alumina Powders

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    中川凱生君(博士前期課程2年)と山室和輝君(博士前期課程2年)が2024年3月25日に材料・応用化学専攻 物質材料工学教育プログラム長賞を受賞しました。

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    Shigeaki Kobayashi, Masafumi Terakado, Kousei Ebata, Haruhi Tsutsui, Takateru Yamamuro, Sadahiro Tsurekawa
    Low-angle grain boundary engineering based on texture control for enhancement of corrosion and fatigue resistance in 436L type ferritic stainless steel

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    Jann-Erik Brandenburg, Luis A. Barrales-Mora, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Dmitri A. Molodov
    Dynamic behavior of grain boundaries with misorientations in the vicinity of Σ3 coherent and incoherent twin boundaries in Al bicrystals

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    Bo Wang, Kyoko Kaede, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Katerina E. Aifantis.
    Capturing the softening in T91 steel annealed with molten LBE through interfacial gradient plasticity