



  1. Chikako TAKUSHIMA, Jun-ichi HAMADA, Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Rapid Achievement of High Frequency of CSL Boundaries in Austenitic Stainless Steel via Reduced Stacking Fault Energy
    ISIJ International, (2024)
    Effect of Hydrogen Concentration on Nanoindentation Softening and Hardening in Iron: Ferrite Phase of S25C and Single-crystal Fe-3wt.%Si
    ISIJ International, Vol. 64, No. 4, (2024), 714-721.
  3. Yasuhiro MORIZONO, Takateru YAMAMURO and Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Carburization Ability of Novel Solid Carburizing Method Using a Mixture of Iron, Graphite and Alumina Powders
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 65, No. 5, (2024), 552-559.


  1. Shigeaki Kobayashi, Masafumi Terakado, Kousei Ebata, Haruhi Tsutsui, Takateru Yamamuro, Sadahiro Tsurekawa
    Low-angle grain boundary engineering based on texture control for enhancement of corrosion and fatigue resistance in 436L type ferritic stainless steel
    Journal of Materials Science, Published online: 24, (2023).
  2. Jann-Erik Brandenburg, Luis A. Barrales-Mora, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Dmitri A. Molodov
    Dynamic behavior of grain boundaries with misorientations in the vicinity of Σ3 coherent and incoherent twin boundaries in Al bicrystals
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 259, (2023) 119272.
  3. Bo Wang, Kyoko Kaede, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Katerina E. Aifantis.
    Capturing the softening in T91 steel annealed with molten LBE through interfacial gradient plasticity
    Materials Today Communications, Vol. 35, (2023) 10.
  4. 森園靖浩,山室賢輝,連川貞弘
    鉄と鋼,Vol. 109, No. 1, (2023), 42-50.


  1. S. Ii, T. Enami, T. Ohmura, S. Tsurekawa.
    Direct measurement of shear stress for dislocation transferring across {111} Σ3 grain boundary in aluminum bicrystal via in situ straining TEM
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 221, (2022), 114953.


  1. Yasuhiro MORIZONO, Takateru YAMAMURO and Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Novel Solid Carburizing Method for Steel Using a Mixture of Iron and Graphite Powders
    ISIJ International, Vol. 61, No. 11, (2021), 2798-2804.
  2. L. A. Barrales-Mora, Y. Tokuda, D. A. Molodov, S. Tsurekawa
    On incipient plasticity in the vicinity of grain boundaries in aluminum bicrystals: Experimental and simulation nanoindentation study
    Materials Science & Engineering A, Available online 25 September (2021), 142100.
  3. J.-E. Brandenburg, J. Seo, K. Eto, D. A. Molodov, S. Tsurekawa
    Influence of symmetrical <1010> high-angle tilt grain boundaries on the local mechanical properties of magnesium bicrystals
    Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 826, (2021), 141913.
  4. Zhiwei Zhang, Xiang Zhao and Sadahiro Tsurekawa
    Diffusion in Copper/Cobalt Systems under High Magnetic Fields
    Materials, Vol. 14, No. 11, (2021), 3104.
  5. Seiichiro Ii, Takero Enami, Takahito Ohmura and Sadahiro Tsurekawa
    Direct Characterization of the Relation between the Mechanical Response and Microstructure Evolution in Aluminum by Transmission Electron Microscopy In Situ Straining
    Materials, Vol. 14, No. 6, (2021), 1431.
  6. M. Berahmand, M. Ketabchi, M. Jamshidian, S. Tsurekawa
    Investigation of microstructure evolution and martensite transformation developed in austenitic stainless steel subjected to a plastic strain gradient: A combination study of Mirco-XRD, EBSD, and ECCI techniques
    Micron, Vol. 143, (2021), 103014.


  1. Yasuhiro MORIZONO, Takateru YAMAMURO and Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Surface Modification of Molybdenum by Iron-Powder Pack Treatment
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 61, No. 10, (2020), 2002
  2. Chisato Sakaguchi, Yasumasa Nara, Takeshi Hashishin, Hiroya Abe, Motohide Matsuda, Sadahiro Tsurekawa & Hiroshi Kubota
    Direct observation of potential phase at joining interface between p‑MgO and n‑MgFe2O4
    Scientific Reports | (2020) 10:17055
  3. Yasuhiro MORIZONO, Takateru YAMAMURO and Sadahiro TSUREKAWA
    Surface Modification of Ferritic Stainless Steel by Heating in Iron, Graphite and Alumina Powders
    ISIJ International, Vol. 60, No. 9, (2020), 2044
  4. 束村基行, 山室賢輝, 関戸信彰, 連川貞弘, 吉見享祐
    日本金属学会誌 第84巻, 第7号, (2020), 217
  5. S. Uemura, S. Yamamoto Kamata, K. Yoshimi, S. Tsurekawa
    Microstructural evolution during high-temperature tensile creep at 1,500°C of a MoSiBTiC alloy
    High Temperature Materials and Processes Vol. 39, (2020), 136
  6. S. Kobayashi, W. Yang, Y. Tomobe, R. Okada S. Tsurekawa
    Low-angle boundary engineering for improving highcycle fatigue property of 430 ferritic stainless steel
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 55, (2020), 9273


  1. S. Ii, K. Hirayama, S. Tsurekawa.
    Experimental Confirmation of Grain Boundary Magnetism in Fe-Si and Fe-Sn Alloys by TEM-EELS
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 60, No. 5, (2019), 636
  2. S. Kobayashi, S. Ogou, S. Tsurekawa.
    Grain Boundary Engineering for Control of Fatigue Fracture in 316L Austenitic Stainless Steel
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 60, No. 5, (2019) , 623


  1. Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, T. Yamamuro.
    Microstructural Changes in Low-carbon Steel Occurring by Heating in Mixtures of Iron, Graphite and Alumina Powders
    ISIJ International, Vol. 58,No. 11, (2018), 2110.
  2. 齋藤哲也,関戸信彰,束村基行,上村宗二朗,山室賢輝,連川貞弘,吉見享祐
    日本学術振興会耐熱金属材料第123委員会研究報告, 59(3) (2018),505-513.
  3. K. E. Aifantis, H. Deng, H. Shibata, S. Tsurekawa, P. Lejček, S. A. Hackney.
    Interpreting slip transmission through mechanically induced interface energies: a Fe-3%Si case study
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 54, (2019) ,1831.
  4. S. Nakayama, N. Sekido, S. Uemura, S. Tsurekawa, K. Yoshimi.
    Effect of Microstructural Continuity on Room-Temperature Fracture Toughness of ZrC-Added Mo-Si-B Alloys
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 59 , No 4 , (2018), 518.
  5. Y. Tokuda, S. Tsurekawa, D. A. Molodov.
    Local mechanical properties in the vicinity of (110)Σ3/[111] symmetric tilt grain boundary in aluminum bicrystal
    Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 716, (2018), 37.
  6. K.Kaede, A. Jäger, V. Gärtnerová, C. Takushima, T. Yamamuro, S. Tsurekawa.
    Measurement of Local Mechanical Properties of T91 Steel Corroded by Molten Lead-Bismuth Eutectic Alloy via Micropillar Compression Test
    MRS Advances, Vol. 3, No. 8-9 , (2018), 419.
  7. S. Uemura, T. Yamamuro, J. W. Kim, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, K. Yoshimi.
    Quantitative Evaluation of Microstructure in Mo-Si-B-TiC Alloy Produced by Melting and Tilt Casting Methods
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 59, No.1 , (2018), 136.


  1. Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, T. Yamamuro.
    A Novel Surface Modification Technique Using Iron Powder
    Journal of the Technical Association of Refractories, Japan, Vol. 37, No. 4, (2017) , 193.
  2. Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, T. Yamamuro, S. Yoshida, Y. Kawano.
    Effect of Heating Conditions on Surface Modification of Titanium with a Mixture of Iron, Graphite and Alumina Powders
    Materials Transactions, Vol.58 , No.4 , (2017), 600.
  3. J. Bočan, S. Tsurekawa, A. Jäger.
    Fabrication and in situ compression testing of Mg micropillars with a nontrivial cross section: Influence of micropillar geometry on mechanical properties
    Materials Science & Engineering A, Vol. 687,(2017), 337.


  1. 連川貞弘
    In-situ SEM / EBSD法を用いた材料微細組織のダイナミックス
    溶接冶金現象のシミュレーションと可視化,溶接学会溶接冶金研究委員会編,溶接学会技術資料 No.16, (2016), 412
  2. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe.
    A new approach to grain boundary engineering for nanocrystalline materials
    Journal of Nanotechnology,Vol.7, (2016),1829.
  3. 上村 宗二朗,山室賢輝,金正旭,森園靖浩,連川貞弘,吉見享祐
    アーク溶解・傾角鋳造法で作製した Mo-Si-B-TiC 合金の微細組織の定量評価
    日本金属学会誌, Vol.80,No.8,(2016),529.
  4. M. Matsuda, R. Sago, K. Akamine, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Nishida
    Enhancement of ductility in Fe-Co based alloys by substitution of Pd
    Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Vol.682,(2016), 124.


  1. 連川貞弘,池田賢一,中島英治
    「新版 鉄鋼材料と合金元素」第3章 回復,再結晶と粒成長に及ぼす合金元素の効果,日本鉄鋼協会,(2015) , 127.
  2. M. Matsuda, F. Tanaka, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Mitsuhara M. Nishida.
    Novel long-period stackingordered structure of martensite in zirconium-cobalt-palladium alloys
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol.95, (2015),21.
  3. K. Hirayama, Y. Yoshii, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, Y. Hidaka.
    Grain Boundary Engineering of 10% Cr Ferritic-Martensitic Steel SUH3
    ISIJ International, Vol. 55, No. 9,(2015),1973.
    Reduction and carbonitriding of anodic titanium oxide film by using a mixture of iron and carbon powders
    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan ,Vol.123,No. 9,(2015),903.
  5. M. Matsuda, S. Nishimura, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Mitsuhara, M. Nishida
    Crystallography and morphology of antiphase boundary-like structure induced by martensitic transformation in Ti-Pd-Fe alloy
    Journal of Alloy and Compound, Vol.618, (2015),527.
  6. Y. Morizono, T. Yamaguchi, S. Tsurekawa
    Aluminizing of High-carbon Steel by Explosive Welding and Subsequent Heat Treatment
    ISIJ International, Vol. 55, No. 1, (2015), 272.


  1. 森園靖浩,連川貞弘,山室賢輝
    耐火物,Vol. 66,No. 11,(2014), 542.
  2. M. Matsuda, K. Yamashita, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Nishida
    Ductility enhancement in Co-Fe-Ni alloys by microstructural control
    Intermetallics,Vol.52, (2014), 124.
  3. S. Kobayashi, T. Maruyama, S. Saito, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    In situ observations of crack propagation and role of grain boundary microstructure in nickel embrittled by sulfur
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol.49, (2014), 4007.
  4. S. Tsurekawa, Y. Chihara, K. Tashima, S. Ii, P. Lejček
    Local plastic deformation in the vicinity of grain boundaries in Fe-3 mass% Si alloy bicrystals and tricrystal
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol.49, (2014), 4698.
  5. K. Hirayama, S. Ii, S. Tsurekawa
    Transmission electron microscopy/electron energy loss spectroscopy measurements and ab initio calculation of local magnetic moments at nickel grain boundaries
    Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, Vol. 15, (2014),1.


  1. M. Matsuda, Y. Iwamoto, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Nishida
    Enhancement of Ductility in B2-Type Zr-Co-Ni Alloys with Deformation-Induced Martensite and Microcrack Formation
    Intermetallics, Vol. 36, (2013), 45.
  2. M. Matsuda, R. Yamashita, S. Tsurekawa, K. Takashima, M. Mitsuhara, M. Nishida
    Antiphase boundary-like structure of B19’ martensite via R-phase transformation in Ti-Ni-Fe alloy
    Journal of Alloy and Compound, Vol. 586, (2014), 87.
  3. M. Baba, S. Tsurekawa, K. Watanabe, W. Du, K. Toko, K. O. Hara, N. Usami, T. Sekiguchi, T. Suemasu.
    Evaluation of potential variations around grain boundaries in BaSi2 epitaxial films by Kelvin probe force microscopy
    Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 103, (2013), 142113.
  4. K. Hirayama, S. Ii, S. Tsurekawa.
    Reply to “Comment on direct measurement of local magnetic moments at grain boundaries in iron” by Stöger-Pollach
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 69, (2013), 823.
  5. W. Maruno, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa.
    Differential Scanning Calorimetry of the α/γ Transformation in Fe-Co Alloys under a Magnetic Field
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 54, No. 9, (2013), 1823.
  6. Y. Morizono, Y. Kawano, S. Tsurekawa, T. Yamamuro.
    Surface Hardening of Titanium by Using a Simplified Carbon and Nitrogen Diffusion Technique with Steel and Carbon Powders
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 54 No. 8 (2013), 1454.
  7. Takeshi Hikata, Soichiro Okubo, Yugo Higashi, Teruaki Matsuba, Risa Utsunomiya, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Katsuhisa Murakami, Jun-ichi Fujita
    Growth of bridging carbon nanofibers in cracks formed by heat-treating iron oxide thin sheets in acetylene gas
    AIP Advances 3, (2013), 042127.
  8. H. Kurishita, H. Arakawa, S. Matsuo, T. Sakamoto, S. Kobayashi, K. Nakai, G. Pintsuk, J. Linke, S. Tsurekawa, V. Yardley, K. Tokunaga, T. Takida, M. Katoh, A. Ikegaya, Y. Ueda, M. Kawai, N. Yoshida.
    Development of Nanostructured Tungsten Based Materials Resistant to Recrystallization and/or Radiation Induced Embrittlement
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 54, No. 4, (2013), 456.
  9. G. Yamada, H. Kokawa, Y. Yasuda, S. Tokita, T. Yokoyama, Y. S. Sato, H. T. Fujii, S. Tsurekawa.
    Effect of post-GBE strain-sensitisation on corrosion resistance of grain boundary engineered 304 austenitic stainless steel
    Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 93, Nos. 10-12, (2013), 1443.
  10. S. Tsurekawa, H. Takahashi, Y. Nishibe, T. Watanabe.
    Potential barrier at grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon: influence of grain-boundary character and copper/iron contamination
    Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 93, No. 10, (2013), 1413.
  11. S. Ii, K. Hirayama, K. Matsunaga, H. Fujii, S. Tsurekawa.
    Direct measurement of local magnetic moments at grain boundaries in iron
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 68, No 5, (2013), 253.


  1. S. Ii, M. Matsuda, T. Matsui, T. Fujimoto, A. Kakisaka, T. Kikutake, S. Tsurekawa, K.-I. Ikeda, M. Nishida.
    Controlling grain boundary character distribution of high-temperature B2 phase in Ti-Ni-Fe alloy
    Intermetallics, Vol. 31, (2012), 65.
  2. S. Kobayashi, T. Maruyama, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Grain boundary engineering based on fractal analysis for control of segregation-induced intergranular brittle fracture in polycrystalline nickel
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 60, (2012), 6200.
  3. 森園靖浩,連川貞弘,山室賢輝
    鉄と鋼,Vol. 98, No. 9, (2012), 476.
  4. M. Yoshimoto, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, T. Baba
    Anodizing of aluminum in sulfuric acid and oxalic acid solutions with percarboxylic acid-based additive
    Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, Vol. 120, No. 1403, (2012), 276.
  5. P. Lejček, P. Šedá, Y. Kinoshita, V. Yardley, A. Jäger, S. Tsurekawa
    Grain boundary plane reorientation: model experiments on bi- and tricrystals
    Journal of Materials Science 47, (2012), 5106.


  1. Y. Morizono, T. Fukuyama, M. Matsuda, S. Tsurekawa
    Solid- and Liquid-Solid Reactions in Aluminum-Coated Titanium Substrate Fabricated by Using Explosive Energy
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 52, No. 12, (2011), 2178.
  2. S. Kobayashi, M. Hirata, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Grain boundary engineering for control of fatigue crack propagation in austenitic stainless steel
    Procedia Engineering, Vol. 10, (2011), 112.
  3. V. A. Yardly, T. Matsuzaki, R. Sugiura, A. T. Yokobori Jr., S. Tsurekawa, Y. Hasegawa
    Morphology of the creep crack tip in P92 steel and its relation to microstructure
    Journal of Physics Conference Series, Vol. 240 (2010), 012076.
  4. M. Matsuda, T. Nishimoto, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, M. Nishida
    Enhancement of Ductility in B2-Type Zr-Co-Pd Alloys with Martensitic Transformation
    Intermetallics, Vol. 19, (2011), 894.
  5. S. Tsurekawa, H. Hatao, H. Takahashi, Y. Morizono
    Changes in Ferroelectric Domain Structure with Electric Fatigue in Li0.06(Na0.5K0.5)0.94NbO3 Ceramics
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 50,(2011), 09NC02.
  6. 渡邉英二,森園靖浩,連川貞弘,山室賢輝
    Bi-rich Bi-Sn合金と純銅の界面組織と接合強度
    銅と銅合金,Vol. 50, No. 1 (2011), pp. 253-258.
  7. H. Fujii, S. Tsurekawa
    Diffusion of carbon in iron under magnetic fields
    Physical Review, Vol. B 83, (2011), 054412.
  8. Y. Kinoshita, V. A. Yardley, S. Tsurekawa
    Relation between microstructures of martensite and prior austenite in 12 wt% Cr ferritic steel
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 46, (2011), 4261.
  9. S. Kobayashi, M. Nakamura, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Effect of grain boundary microstructure on fatigue crack propagation in austenitic stainless steel
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 46, (2011), 4254.
  10. M. Matsuda, T. Nishimoto, K. Matsunaga, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, M. Nishida
    Deformation structure in ductile B2-type Zr-Co-Ni alloys with martensitic transformation
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 46, (2011), 4221.
  11. M. Matsuda, K. Kuramoto, Y. Morizono, S. Tsurekawa, E. Okunishi, T. Hara, M. Nishida
    Transmission electron microscopy of antiphase boundary-like structure of B19' martensite in Ti-Ni shape memory alloy
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 59, (2011), 133.


  1. Y. Morizono, A. Mizobata
    Explosive Coating of Ag-Cu Filler Alloy on Metal Substrates and its Effect on Subsequent Brazing Process
    ISIJ International, Vol. 50, No. 8, (2010), 1200.
  2. T. Fukino, S. Tsurekawa
    In-Situ Scanning Electron Microscopy / Electron Backscattered Diffraction Observation of Microstructural Evolution during α→γ Phase Transformation in Deformed Fe-Ni Alloy
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 49, No. 12, (2008), 2770.
  3. S. Tsurekawa, S. Nakamichi, H. Fujii, T. Watanabe
    Magnetic Field Effect on Diffusion in Iron
    Proc. of the 6th Japan-France EPM Seminar 2010 on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials - Development of New Fields and Applications, (2010), 40 - 44.
  4. 連川貞弘
    金属, Vol. 80, (2010), No. 5, 361-366.
  5. S. Tsurekawa, K. Inoue, P. Lejcek
    Grain Boundary Migration in Fe-3mass%Si Alloy Bicrystals under a Magnetic Field
    ISIJ International, Vol. 50, No. 4, (2010), 591.
  6. S. Kobayashi, S.Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe, G. Paiumbo
    Grain boundary engineering for control of sulfur segregation-induced embrittlement in ultrafine-grained nickel
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 62, (2010), 294.
  7. C. He, S. Tsurekawa, H. Kokawa, X. Zhao, L. Zuo
    Microstructures and Texture Evolution in Cold Rolled Iterstitial Free (IF) Steel Sheet during Annealing under AC Magnetic Field
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 638, (2010), 2781.
  8. Y. Morizono, S. Nakatsukasa, M. Nishida
    Bonding and Separation Behaviors between Ti-Sn Alloys and High Carbon Steel
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 638, (2010), 3787.


  1. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, X. Zhao, L. Zuo
    The Coming of Grain Boundary Engineering in the 21th Century
    Microstructure and Texture in Steels and Other Materials, Ed. A. Haldar, S. Suwas, D. Bhattacharjee, Springer, (2009), 43.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, T. Fukino, T. Matsuzaki
    In-situ SEM / EBSD observation of abnormal grain growth in electrodeposited nanocrystalline nickel
    International Journal of Materials Research, Vol. 100, (2009), 800.
  3. N. Nemoto, T. Fukino, S. Tsurekawa, X. Gu, A. Teramoto, T. Ohmi
    In situ Observation of Grain Growth on Electroplated Cu Film by Electron Backscatter Diffraction
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 48, No. 6R, (2009).
  4. Tadao Watanabe, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Yudong Zhang, Xiang Zhao, Liang Zuo
    A new approach to texturing and grain boundary engineering by magnetic eld application
    Ceramic Transactions, 200, (2009), 421.
  5. S. Kobayashi, S.Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Evolution of grain boundary microstructures in molybdenum by thermomechanical processing from single crystals
    Ceramic Transactions, 200, (2009), 681.
  6. A. S. Gornakova, B. B. Straumal, S. Tsurekawa, L.-S. Chang, A. N. Nekrasov
    Grain Boundary Wetting Phase Transformations in The Zn-Sn and Zn-In Systems
    Reviews on Advanced Material Science, Vol. 21, No. 1, (2009), 18.
  7. R. Sumi, N. Toda, H. Fujii, S. Tsurekawa
    Impact of a Magnetic Field on Grain Boundary Energy in 99.9% Iron and Iron-Tin Alloy
    Reviews on Advanced Material Science, Vol. 21, No. 1, (2009), 35.
  8. Y. Morizono, Y. Kodama, T. Yamamuro and M. Nishida
    Influence of Heating Temperature on InterfaceSeparation Behavior between Ti - 20mol% Al Alloy and High Carbon Steel
    Materials Trasactions, Vol. 50, No. 8, (2009), 2005.


  1. T. Fukino, S. Tsurekawa, T. Matsuzaki
    In-situ SEM / EBSD Observation of α / γ Phase Transformation in Fe-Ni Alloy
    Materials Trasactions, Vol. 49, No. 12, (2008), 2770.
  2. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Roles of structure-dependent hardening at grain boundaries and triple junctions in deformation and fracture of molybdenum
    Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 483, (2008), 712.
  3. S. Kobayashi, T. Inomata, H. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effect of Grain Boundary and Triple Junction Character on Intergranular Fatigue Crack Nucleation in Polycrystalline Aluminum
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 43, (2008), 3792.
  4. H. Fujii, V. A. Yardley, T. Matsuzaki and S. Tsurekawa
    Nanocrystallization of Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 soft-magnetic alloy from amorphous precursor in a magnetic field
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 43, (2008), 3837.
  5. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and A. Kobylanski
    Control of grain boundary microstructures in molybdenum polycrystals by thermomechanical processing of single crystals
    Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 88, (2008), 489.
  6. H. Takahashi, Y. Numamoto, J. Tani and S. Tsurekawa
    Considerations for BaTiO3 Ceramics with High Piezoelectric Properties Fabricated by Microwave Sintering Method
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 47, No. 11R, (2008), 8468.
  7. 森園靖浩,児玉芳和,山室賢輝,西田 稔
    鉄と鋼,Vol. 94, No. 7, (2008), 251.
  8. Y. Morizono, Y. Hirokawa and M. Nishida
    Effect of Aging Treatment on Explosive Welding Process of Beryllium Copper to Steels
    Proc. of the 3rd Int. Symp. on Energetic Materials and their Applications [ISEM2008], (2008).
  9. 森園靖浩
    ぶれいず, Vol. 42, No. 113, (2008), 11.
  10. 森園靖浩
    溶射技術, Vol. 28, No.3, (2008), 68.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kido and T. Watanabe
    Interfacial state and potential barrier height associated with grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 539, (2007), 2371.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, S. Nakamichi and T. Watanabe
    Determination of percolation threshold for random boundary network on the basis of EBSD/OIM observations
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 539, (2007), 2371.
  3. S. Tsurekawa, K.Ibaraki, K. Kawahara and T. Watanabe
    The continuitiy of ferroelectric domains at grain boundaries in lead zirconate titanate
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 56, (2007), 577.
  4. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, S. Kobayashi, X. Zhao, L.. Zuo
    The State-of-Art of Controlling Intergranular Fracture
    Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 345, (2007), 619.
  5. R. Nakamura, K. Yoshimi and S. Tsurekawa
    Supersaturated vacancies and vacancy complexs in rapidly solidified B2 aluminide ribbons
    Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 449, (2007), 1036.
  6. S. Tsurekawa, H. Fujii, V. A. Yardley, T. Matsuzaki and T. Watanabe
    Crystallization Kinetics and Texture Evolution in Iron-based Amorphous Alloys under a Magnetic Field
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 558,(2007), 1371.
  7. T. Watanabe, K. Kido and S. Tsurekawa
    A New Approach to Grain Boundary Engineering for Photovoltaic Polysilicon by Unidirectional and Rotational Solidification
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 558,(2007), 834.
  8. V. A. Yardley, S. Tsurekawa, H. Fujii and T. Matsuzaki
    Thermodynamic Study of Magnetic Field-Enhanced Nanocrystallization in Amorphous Fe-Si-B(-Nb-Cu)
    Materials Transactions, Vol.48,No.11,(2007), 2826.
  9. H. Takahashi, Y. Numamoto, J. Tani and S. Tsurekawa
    Domain Properties of High-Performance Barium Titanate Ceramics
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, vol. 46,(2007), 7044.
  10. H. Fujii, T. Matsuzaki and S. Tsurekawa
    Magnetic crystallization for enhancement of soft magnetic properties in nanocrystalline Fe73.5Si13.5B9Nb3Cu1 alloy
    Proceedings of 4th International Symposium on Mechanical Science based on Nanotechnology (21st Century COE Program), (2007),171.
  11. S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effect of a Magnetic Field on Grain Boundary Segregation and Its Related Phenomena
    Proceedings of Japan-France Cooperative Science Program Seminar on Materials Processing under a Magnetic Field), (2007),41.
  12. V. A.Yardley, R. Sugiura, T. Matsuzaki, S. Tsurekawa, A.T.Yokobori Jr., Y. Hasegawa
    Quantitative study of W-alloyed 9Cr steel microstructures using EBSD
    Strength, Fracture and Complexity, Vol. 5, No. 1,(2007), 39.
  13. Y. Morizono, T. Yamamuro and M. Nishida
    Interfacial Reacition between Ti-Al Binary Alloys and High Carbon Steel
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 48, No. 6 ,(2007), 1476.
  14. Y. Morizono, M. Nishida, Y. Kodama, T. Yamamuro and Y. Ohno
    Surface Modification Technique Using Interfacial Reaction between Ti-Al Alloy and Steel.
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 539 ,(2007), 1248.
  15. Y. Morizono, Y. Kodama, M. Nishida and T. Yamamuro
    Effect of Carbon Content on Interface Separation Phenomenon in Ti-Al/Fe-C Joints
    Proc. of the 11th World Conf. on Titanium [Ti-2007], (2007), 1691.


  1. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, X. Zhao and L. Zuo
    Grain boundary engineering by magnetic field application
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 54, (2006), 969.
  2. H. Takahashi, Y. Numamoto, J. Tani, K. Matsuta, J. Qiu and S. Tsurekawa
    Lead-Free Barium Titanate Ceramics with Large Piezoelectric Constant Fabricated by Microwave Sintering
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45, (2006), L30.
  3. H. Fujii, S. Tsurekawa, T. Matsuzaki and T. Watanabe
    Evolution of a sharp {110} texture in microcrystalline Fe78Si9B13 during magnetic crystallization from the amorphous phase
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 86, (2006), 113.
  4. S. Tsurekawa, S. Nakamichi and T. Watanabe
    Correlation of grain boundary connectivity with grain boundary character distribution in austenitic stainless steel
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 54, (2006), 3617.
  5. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Structure-dependent triple junction hardening and intergranular fracture in molybdenum
    Philosophical Magazine, Vol. 86, (2006), 5419.
  6. H. Takahashi, Y. Numamoto, J. Tani and S. Tsurekawa
    Piezoelectric Properties of BaTiO3 Ceramics with High Performance Fabricated by Microwave Sintering
    Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 45,(2006), 7405.
  7. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, X. Zhao, L. Zuo and C. Esling
    A new challenge: grain boundary engineering for advanced materials by magnetic field application
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 41, (2006), 7747.
  8. H. Fujii, T. Matsuzaki and S. Tsurekawa
    Optimization of Microstructure in Iron-Based Nanocrystalline Soft Magnetic Materials by Magnetic Crystallization towards Innovation of Magnetic Properties
    The 5th International Symposium on Electromagnetic Processing of Materials, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, (2006),567.
  9. 連川貞弘,木戸康太,渡邊忠雄
    まてりあ,Vol. 45,No. 10, (2006), 734.
  10. 連川貞弘
    (社)日本金属学会, (2006),162.
  11. 連川貞弘
    (社)日本鉄鋼協会, (2006),77.
  12. 森園靖浩,西田 稔,山室賢輝,廣川勇介
    銅と銅合金,Vol. 45, No. 1, (2006), 232.
  13. T. Sugimoto, Y. Morizono and Y. Ohno
    Microstructures and Characteristics of Micro Bump Connection after Ultrasonic Flip-Chip Bonding
    Proc. of 8th Electronics Packaging Tech. Conf. [EPTC 2006], (2006), 185.


  1. K. Yoshimi, M. Sung, S. Tsurekawa, A. Yamaguchi, R. Nakamura, S. Hanada, K. Kawahara and T. Watanabe
    Substructure development in rapidly solidified B2-type TiCo ribbons
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475, (2005), 849.
  2. R. Ishibashi, T. Horiuchi, J. Kuniya, M. Yamamoto, S. Tsurekawa, H. Kokawa, T. Watanabe and T. Shoji
    Effect of Grain Boundary Character Distribution on Stress Corrosion Cracking Behavior in Austenitic Stainless Steels
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475, (2005), 3863.
  3. K. Kawahara, K. Ibaraki, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Distribution of Plane Matching Boundaries for Different Types and Sharpness of Texture
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 475, (2005), 3871.
  4. T. Watanabe and S. Tsurekawa
    Prediction and Control of Grain Boundary Fracture in Brittle Materials on the Basis of the Strongest-Link Theory
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 482, (2005), 55.
  5. O. Kogtenkova, B. Straumal, S. Protasova, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    The influence of misorientation deviation on the faceting of Σ3 grain boundaries in aluminum
    Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, Vol. 96, (2005), 116.
  6. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kido, S. Hamada, T. Watanabe and T. Sekiguchi
    Electrical Activity of Grain Boundaries in Silicon - Influence of Grain Boundary Structure, Chemistry and Temperature
    Zeitschrift fuer Metallkunde, Vol. 96, (2005), 197.
  7. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, S. Kobayashi, S. Yamaura
    Structure-dependent grain boundary deformation and fracture at high temperatures
    Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 410, (2005), 140.
  8. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain Boundary Hardening and Triple Junction Hardening in Polycrystalline Molybdenum
    Acta Materialia, Vol. 53, (2005), 1051.
  9. S. Tsurekawa, K. Okamoto, K. Kawahara and T. Watanabe
    The Control of Grain Boundary Segregation and Segregation-Induced Brittleness in Iron by the Application of a Magnetic Field
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 40, (2005), 895.
  10. S. Nakamichi, S. Tsurekawa, Y. Morizono, T. Watanabe, M. Nishida and A. Chiba
    Diffusion of Carbon and Titanium in γ-Iron in a Magnetic Field and a Magnetic Field Gradient
    Journal of Materials Science, Vol. 40, (2005), 3191.
  11. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kido and T. Watanabe
    Measurements of potential barrier height of grain boundaries in polycrystalline silicon by Kelvin probe force microscopy
    Philosophical Magazine Letters, Vol. 85, (2005), 41.
  12. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa and G. Palumbo
    Grain Boundary Microstructural Control in Nanocrystalline Ni and Ni-20 mass%Fe Alloy by Magnetic Annealing
    Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 101, (2005), 171.
  13. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, H. Fujii and T. Kanno
    The Control of Texture and Grain Boundary Microstructure by Magnetic Annealing
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 495, (2005), 1151.
  14. T. Watanabe, K. Obara, S. Tsurekawa, G. Gottstein
    A mechanism of plane matching boundary-assisted α/γ phase transformation in Fe-Cr alloy based on in-situ observation
    Zeitschrift fur Metallkunde, Vol. 96, (2005), 1196.
  15. T. Watanabe, S. Nishizawa and S. Tsurekawa
    Rejuvenation of Deformation-Damaged Material by Magnetic Annealing - A New Approach to Grain Boundary Engineering
    Complex Inorganic Solids - Structural, Stability, and Magnetic Properties of Alloys, Springer Verlag, (2005), 327.
  16. S. Tsurekawa
    Application of Kelvin probe force microscopy to measurement of grain-boundary potential barrier in polycrystalline silicon
    Proceedings of 3rd International Symposium on Mechanical Science based on Nanotechnology (21st Century COE Program), (2005), 159.
  17. 連川貞弘,岡本浩輔,渡邊忠雄
    豊田研究報告, Vol. 58, (2005), 97.


  1. V. S. R. Murthy, H. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe, K. Kato and N. Tamari
    Influence of humidity and doping elements on the friction and wear of SiC in unlubricated sliding
    Tribology International, Vol. 37, (2004), 353.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and N. Tamari
    Grain Boundary Engineering for the Control of Mechanical Properties and Oxidation-Induced Embrittlement in Silicon Carbide
    Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 261, (2004), 999.
  3. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kawahara, K. Okamoto, T. Watanabe and R.Faulkner
    Application of magnetic field to the control of grain boundary segregation in iron
    Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 387, (2004), 442.
  4. T. Watanabe and S. Tsurekawa
    Toughening of brittle materials by grain boundary engineering
    Materials Science and Engineering A, Vol. 387, (2004), 447.
  5. S. Tsurekawa, H. Watanabe, N. Tamari and T. Watanabe
    Improvement of Oxidation Resistance and Oxidation-Induced Embrittlement by Controlling Grain Boundary Microstructure in Silicon Carbides with Different Dopants
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 45, No. 7, (2004), 2128.
  6. T. Watanabe, K. Obara and S. Tsurekawa
    In-situ Observation on Interphase Boundary Migration and Grain Growth during α/γ Phase Transformation in Iron Alloys
    Materials Science Forum, Vol. 467, (2004), 819.
  7. J. Chen, T. Sekiguchi, D. Yang, F. Yin, K. Kido and S. Tsurekawa
    Electron-beam-induced current study of grain boundaries in multicrystalline silicon
    Journal of Applied Physics, Vol. 96, (2004), 5490.
  8. V. S. R. Murthy, H. Kobayashi, N. Tamari, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and K. Kato
    The Effect of Doping Elements on the Friction and Wear Properties of SiC in Unlubricated Sliding Condition
    Wear, Vol. 257, (2004), 89.
  9. T. Matsuzaki, T. Yamada, K. Jyuami, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and G. Palumbo
    Effects of DC and AC Magnetic Field on Grain Growth in Electrodeposited Nanocrystalline Nickel
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, Vol. 788, (2004), 121.
  10. S. Tsurekawa
    Materials Development by Magnetic Field-Applied Grain Boundary Engineering
    Proceedings of 1st International Symposium on Mechanical Science based on Nanotechnology (21st Century COE Program), (2004), 9.
  11. S. Kobayashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain Boundary Microstructure Evolution during Superplastic Deformation in Al-Li Alloy
    Proceedings of the 25th Riso International Symposium on Materials Science: Evolution of Deformation Microstructure in 3D, Riso National Laboratory, Roskilde, Denmark, (2004), 389.
  12. 川原浩一, 連川貞弘, 渡邊忠雄
    まてりあ, Vol. 43, (2004), 113.
  13. 連川貞弘,渡邊忠雄,安藤庸平,川原浩一
    まてりあ,Vol. 43, (2004), 1001.


  1. S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effects of Grain Boundary Structure and Chemistry on Electrical Activity in Polycrystalline Silicon
    Solid State Phenomena, Vol. 93 , (2003), 333.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe, H. Watanabe and N. Tamari
    The Control of Intergranular Oxidation Brittleness in Silicon Carbides by Grain Boundary Engineering
    Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 247 , (2003), 327.
  3. S. Tsurekawa, V. S. R. Murthy, Y. Naito, T. Watanabe and N. Tamari
    The Effect of Processing and Doping Elements on the Grain Boundary Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of SiC
    Key Engineering Materials, Vol. 247 , (2003), 331.
  4. K. Harada, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and G. Palumbo
    Enhancement of Homogenity of Grain Boundary Microstructure by Magnetic Annealing in Nanocrystalline Nickel
    Scripta Materialia, Vol. 49, (2003), 367.
  5. S. Kobayashi, T. Yoshimura, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe and J. Chi
    Grain Boundary Microstructure-Controlled Superplasticity in Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr Alloy
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 44, (2003), 1469.
  6. S. Yamaura, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    The Control of Oxidation-Induced Intergranular Embrittlement by Grain Boundary Engineering in Rapidly Solidified Ni-Fe Alloy Ribbons
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 44, (2003), 1494.
  7. S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    A New Approach to Interface Engineering by using an External Magnetic Field
    Materials Science Forum, Vols. 426-432, (2003), 3819.
  8. K. Kawahara, D. Iemura, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    High Temperature In-situ Observations of Magnetic Domains in Fe-Co Alloys
    Materials Transactions, Vol. 44, No. 12, (2003), 2570.
  9. 連川貞弘,川原浩一,渡邊忠雄
    ふぇらむ, Vol. 8, (2003), 152.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, S. Hamada, K. Kawahara,T. Watanabe and T. Sekiguchi
    Electrical Activity of Grain Boundaries in Polysilicon
    Annales de Chimie, Science des Mat?riaux, Vol. 27, Suppl 1 (2002), S255.
  2. K. Kawahara, Y. Ando, K. Nogiwa, Y. Yagyu, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Observations of Interaction between Grain Boundaries and Magnetic Domain Walls by Lorentz Microscopy
    Annales de Chimie, Science des Mat?riaux, Vol. 27, Suppl 1 (2002), S268.
  3. 川原浩一,連川貞弘
    日本鉄鋼協会・日本金属学会 (編)電子顕微鏡法の実践と応用写真集
    (社)日本金属学会, Vol. 170, (2002).


  1. K. Kawahara, S. Maekawa, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    High Temperature Deformation and Fracture in Ferromagnetic Fe-Co and Fe-Cr Alloys
    Proceedings of Asian Pacific Conference on FRACTURE and STRENGTH ‘01(APCFS’01) and International Conference on ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY in EXPERIMENTAL MECHANICS’01 (ATEM’01), The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, No. 01-203, (2001), 134.
  2. 連川貞弘, 川原浩一, 松崎 隆, 渡邊忠雄
    まてりあ, Vol. 40,(2001), 573.
  3. 連川貞弘, 渡邊忠雄
    電子顕微鏡, Vol. 36, (2001), 99.
  4. 幾原雄一,連川貞弘
    SiC系セラミック新材料 - 最近の展開 -
    日本学術振興会 高温セラミック材料第124委員会(編), 内田老鶴圃, 37−52, (2001).


  1. K. Kaneko, M. Kawasaki, T. Nagano, N. Tamari and S. Tsurekawa
    Determination of the Chemical Width of Grain Boundaries of Boron- and Carbon-Doped Hot-Pressed β-SiC by Haadf Imaging and Elnes Line-Profile
    Acta Materialia, 48 (2000), 903-910.
  2. K. Kawahara, S. Tsurekawa, H. Nakashima
    Dislocation Structure and Activated Slip Systems in β-Silicon Nitride during High Temperature Deformation
    Key Engineering Materials, 171-174 (2000), 825-832.
  3. S. Tsurekawa, K. Harada, T. Sasaki, T. Matsuzaki and T. Watanabe
    Magnetic Sintering of Ferromagnetic Metal Powder Compacts
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 41 (2000), 991-999.
  4. S. Yamaura, Y. Igarashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain Boundary Engineering for the Control of Oxidation Embrittlement
    Properties of Complex Inorganic Solids 2, Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, pp. 27-37, (2000).
  5. S. Hamada, K. Kawahara, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Impact of Grain Boundary Character on Electrical Property in Polycrystalline Silicon
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 586(2000), 163-168.
  6. K. Kawahara, Y. Yagyu, S. Tsurekawa, T. Watanabe
    Observation of Interaction between Magnetic Domain Wall and Grain Boundaries in Fe-3wt%Si Alloy by Kerr Microscopy
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 586 (2000), 168-174.
  7. S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain Boundary Microstructure Dependent Intergranular Fracture in Polycrystalline Molybdenum
    Materials Research Society Symposium Proceedings, 586 (2000), 238-242.
  8. T. Watanabe, S. Tsurekawa, T. Matsuzaki and Y. Furuya
    Magnetic Effects on Metallurgical Phenomena in Ferromagnetic Materials
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Relationship between Magnetic and Structural Properties - Basis and Application, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, pp. 39-46, (2000).
  9. K. Kawahara, Y. Yagyu, K. Nogiwa, S. Tsurekawa and T.Watanabe
    Effect of Grain Boundaries on Magnetic Domain Structures in Ferromagnetic Polycrystals
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Relationship between Magnetic and Structural Properties - Basis and Application, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, pp. 81-84, (2000).
  10. S. Tsurekawa, K. Harada, T. Sasaki, T. Matsuzaki and T. Watanabe
    Effect of External Magnetic Field on Sintering of Ferromagnetic Metals
    Proceedings of International Symposium on Relationship between Magnetic and Structural Properties ?Basis and Application, The Iron and Steel Institute of Japan, pp. 85-88, (2000).
  11. S. Tsurekawa, S. Hamada, K. Kawahara, T. Watanabe and T. Sekiguchi
    EBIC Study on Grain Boundary Electrical Activity in Polycrystalline Silicon
    Proceedings of International Workshop on Fundamental Study and Application of Intelligent Nano and Mesoscopic Structured Materials by Field Control, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, pp. 115-128, (2000).
  12. K. Kawahara, S. Maekawa, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effect of Magnetism on High-Temperature Deformation Behavior of Fe-Cr and Fe-Co Ferromagnetic Alloys
    Proceedings of International Workshop on Fundamental Study and Application of Intelligent Nano and Mesoscopic Structured Materials by Field Control, Institute of Fluid Science, Tohoku University, pp. 129-139, (2000).
  13. 連川貞弘, 濱田 秀, 川原浩一, 渡邊忠雄, 関口隆史
    まてりあ, 39 (2000), 991.


  1. S. Yamaura, Y. Igarashi, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Structure-Dependent Intergranular Oxidation in Ni-Fe Polycrystalline Alloy
    Acta Materialia, 47 (1999), 1163-1174.
  2. K. Kaneko, M. Yoshiya, I. Tanaka and S. Tsurekawa
    Chemical Bonding of Oxgen in Intergranular Amorphous Layers in High-Purity β-SiC Ceramics
    Acta Materialia, 47 (1999), 1281-1287.
  3. T. Watanabe and S. Tsurekawa
    The Control of Brittleness and Development of Desirable Mechanical Properties in Polycrystalline Systems by Grain Boundary Engineering
    Acta Materialia, 47 (1999), 4171-4185.
  4. Z.-J. Wang, S. Tsurekawa, K. Ikeda, T. Sekiguchi and T. Watanabe
    Relationship between Electrical Activity and Grain Boundary Structural Configuration in Polycrystalline Silicon
    Interface Science, 7 (1999), 197-205.
  5. S. Tsurekawa and H. Nakashima
    Grain Boundary Migration in Fe-Si Alloy Bicrystals
    Materials Science Forum, 294-296 (1999), 629-632.
  6. K. Kaneko, T. Saitoh, S. Tsurekawa
    Characterization of Grain Boundaries of Al-doped Sintered β - SiC by Both HRTEM and STEM
    Materials Science Forum, 294-296 (1999), 269-272.
  7. S. Tsurekawa, S. Kokubun and T. Watanabe
    Effect of Grain Boundary Microstructures on Brittle Fracture in Polycrystalline Molybdenum
    aterials Science Forum, 304 -306 (1999), 687-692.
  8. K. Kawahara, S. Tsurekawa and H. Nakashima
    Effect of Boron and Carbon Addition on High Temperature Deformation Behaviour of β-Silicon Carbide
    Materials Science Forum, 304-306 (1999), 519-524.
  9. T. Matsuzaki, T. Sasaki, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effect of Magnetic Field on Sintering of Iron Powder Compact
    Materials Science Forum, 304-306 (1999), 585-590.
  10. S. Kobayashi, T. Yoshimura, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Effect of Grain Boundary Microstructure on Superplastic Deformation of Al-Li-Cu-Mg-Zr Alloy
    Materials Science Forum, 304-306 (1999), 591-596.
  11. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kawahara and H. Nakashima
    Plastic Deformation of Covalent Bonded Ceramics at High Temperatures
    Precursor-Derived Ceramics−Synthesis, Structures and High Temperature Mechanical Properties, Ed. by J. Bill, F. Wakai and F. Aldinger, Wiley-VCH, pp. 260-269, (1999).
  12. S. Kobayashi, A. Kobylansky, T. Nagano, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain and Grain Boundary Microstructures in Molybdenum Polycrystals Recrystallized from Single Crystals with Different Orientations
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, The Japan Institute of Metals, pp. 167-172, (1999).
  13. T. Matsuzaki, T. Sasaki, S. Tsurekawa and T. Watanabe
    Grain Boundary Migration and Grain Growth during Sintering and Annealing in Magnetic Field in Iron and its Alloy
    Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Recrystallization and Related Phenomena, The Japan Institute of Metals, pp. 529-534, (1999).
  14. 連川貞弘 他
    幾原雄一(編著),日刊工業新聞社, 69−117, (1999).


  1. M. Furtkamp, P. Lejcek and S. Tsurekawa
    Grain Boundary Migration in Fe-3wt.%Si Alloys
    Interface Science, 6 (1998), 59-66.
  2. 川原浩一, 連川貞弘,中島英治
    日本金属学会誌, 62 (1998), 246-254.
  3. 川原浩一, 連川貞弘, 中島英治
    まてりあ, 37(1998), 982.
  4. 連川貞弘
    日本機械学会誌, 101 (1998), 30-32.
  5. 金子賢治, 連川貞弘, 田中功
    まてりあ, 37(1998), 938-944.


  1. Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Koji Morita, Hideharu Nakashima and Hideo Yoshinaga
    Geometric Structures of Grain Boundaries Expected from the O-lattice Theory Compared with and High - Resolution Transmission Electron Microscope Images
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 38 (1997), 393-400.
  2. K. Kawahara, S. Tsurekawa and H. Nakashima
    High Temperature Deformation Behaviour and Dislocation Structures of β-Silicon Carbides without and with Sintering Aids (Boron and Carbon)
    Proceedings of 6th International Symposium on Ceramic Materials for Engines, pp. 724-729, (1997).
  3. 森田孝治, 上原雅人, 連川貞弘, 中島英治
    日本金属学会誌, 61(1997), 251-260.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, T. Ueda, K. Ichikawa, H. Nakashima, Y. Yoshitomi and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Migration in Fe - 3% Si Bicrystal
    Materials Science Forum, 204-206(1996), 221-226.
  2. K. Morita, S. Tsurekawa, H. Nakashima and H. Yoshinaga
    Correlation of Grain Boundary Energy with Boundary Dislocation Density
    Materials Science Forum, 204-206(1996), 239−244.
  3. Hisatoshi Hirai, Sadahiro Tsurekawa, Fuyuki Yoshida and Hideharu Nakashima
    Al-Pd-Mn Icosahedral Quasicrystal Prepared by Floating Zone Melting Technique
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 37(1996), 448-453.
  4. F. Wakai, N. Kondo, H. Ogawa, T. Nagano and S. Tsurekawa
    Ceramics Superplasticity: Deformation Mechanisms and Microstructures
    Materials Characterization, 37 (1996), 331-341.
  5. K. Morita, S. Tsurekawa and H. Nakashima
    Influence of Impurity Atoms (C and O) on Grain Boundary Structure of Molybdenum
    Proceedings of Interface Science and Materials Interconnection (JIMIS-8), The Japan Institute of Metals, pp.241-244, (1996).
  6. S. Tsurekawa and H. Yoshinaga
    Structures of [110] Symmetric Tilt Boundaries in Silicon within the Range of Misorientation Angle 0<θ<109.5
    Proceedings of Interface Science and Materials Interconnection (JIMIS-8), The Japan Institute of Metals, pp.295-298, (1996).
  7. 川原浩一, 連川貞弘, 中島英治
    日本金属学会誌, 60 (1996), 582-588.
  8. 中島英治, 上田利行, 連川貞弘, 市川活之, 吉永日出男
    鉄と鋼,82 (1996), 238-243.
  9. 市川活之, 上田利行, 連川貞弘, 吉富康成, 松尾征夫, 川崎宏一,中島英治, 吉永日出男
    鉄と鋼, 82(1996), 471-474.
  10. 上原雅人, 連川貞弘, 中島英治
    九州大学大学院総合理工学研究科報告, 17 (1996), 401-408.
  11. 連川貞弘
    まてりあ, 35(1996), 517-521.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, S. Nitta, H. Nakashima and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structures in Silicon Carbide - Verification of the extended boundary concept
    Interface Science, 3 (1995), 75-84.
  2. Y. Yoshitomi, S. Suzuki, T. Ueda, S. Tsurekawa, H. Nakashima and H.Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Segregation in <110> Symmetric Tilt Bicrystals of an Fe - 3% Si Alloy
    Scripta Metallurgica et Materialia, 32(1995), 1067-1072.
  3. H. Hirai, F. Yoshida, S. Tsurekawa and H. Nakashima
    Preparation of Al70Pd21Mn9 Icosahedral Quasicrystal by Floating Zone Melting Technique
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 19 (1995), 37-38.
  4. 連川貞弘, 長谷川雄一, 吉永日出男, 幾原雄一
    日本金属学会誌, 59(1995), 263-270.
  5. 森田孝治, 連川貞弘, 中島英治, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 59 (1995), 881-888.
  6. 上原雅人, 森田孝治, 前田禎夫, 連川貞弘, 中島英治, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 19 (1995), 47-48.
  7. 川原浩一, 濱崎昌典, 連川貞弘, 中島英治, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 19 (1995),69-70.
  8. 連川貞弘
    まてりあ, 34(1995), 604-610.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, T. Tanaka and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structure, Energy and Strength in Molybdenum
    Materials Science and Engineering A, 176(1994), 341-348.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, T. Seguchi and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structure and Segregation in Direct - Bonded Silicon Bicrystal
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 35(1994), 777-781.
  3. K. Morita, S. Tsurekawa, H. Nakashima and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structures in Covalent-Bonded Ceramics
    Ceramic Transactions Vol. 44, Materials Processing and Design: Grain Boundary Controlled Properties of Fine Ceramics II, Ed. by K. Ishizaki, K. Niihara, The American Ceramic Society, pp.103-112, (1994).
  4. 田中智昭, 連川貞弘, 中島英治, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 58(1994), 382-389.
  5. 連川貞弘, 田中智昭, 中島英治, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 58(1994), 377-381.
  6. 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 58(1994), 390-396.
  7. 連川貞弘, 中島雅文, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 58(1994), 994-1000.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, Y. Hasegawa, K. Sato, Y. S. and H. Yoshinaga
    Effect of Crystal Structure on High-Temperature Deformation Behaviour of Silicon Carbides
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 34(1993), 675-681.
  2. S. Tsurekawa and H. Yoshinaga
    High-Temperature Deformation Mechanism in Nonstoichiometric Titanium Carbide
    Proceedings of the 7th JIM International Symposium (JIMIS-7) on Aspects of High Temperature Deformation and Fracture in Crystalline Materials, pp. 383-390, (1993).
  3. T. Seguchi, S. Nitta, S. Tsurekawa and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structure in Sintered Silicon Carbide
    Proceedings of The 10th Japan-Korea Seminar on Ceramics, pp. 151-155, (1993).
  4. 上原雅人, 田中智昭, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 17(1993), 75-76.


  1. S. Tsurekawa and H. Yoshinaga
    Grain Boundary Structure and High Temperature Strength of Non-Oxide Ceramics
    Proceedings of JFCC International Workshop on " Grain Boundary Controlled Properties of Fine Ceramics" , Ed. by K. Ishizaki, K. Niihara, M. Isotani and R. G. Ford, Elsevier Applied Sci., London and New York, pp. 167-175, (1992).
  2. 連川貞弘,吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 56 (1992) 133-141.
  3. 連川貞弘,田中智昭,吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 56 (1992), 609-618.
  4. 工藤高裕, 長谷川雄一, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 16 (1992), 33-34.
  5. 瀬口 剛, 新田誠也, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 16 (1992), 37-38.
  6. 中島英治, 連川貞弘, 吉田冬樹, 吉永日出男
    九州大学中央分析センター研究報告, 10 (1992), 26-33.


  1. 連川貞弘, 中島雅文, 村田顕彰,栗下裕明, 吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 55 (1991), 390-397.
  2. 田中智昭, 新田誠也, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 15 (1991), 63-64.
  3. 新田誠也, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 15 (1991), 73-74.
  4. 長谷川雄一, 坂口康弘, 佐藤和明, 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 15 (1991), 75-76.


  1. H. Kurishita, S. Tsurekawa and H. Yoshinaga
    Effect of Composition on Dislocation Structures in Deformed Titanium Carbide
    Materials Transactions, JIM, 31(1990), 31-34.
  2. 連川貞弘,松原正吾,栗下裕明,吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 54(1990), 888-894, / Mater. Trans., JIM, 32(1990), 821-828.
  3. 連川貞弘, 吉永日出男
    炭化チタンの炭素空孔超範囲規則構造の同定— 高分解能電子顕微鏡法及び極微小領域電子線回折法を用いて—
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 14 (1990), 63-64.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, H. Kurishita and H. Yoshinaga
    High Temperature Deformation Mechanism in Substoichiometric Titanium Carbide − Correlation with Carbon Vacancy Ordering
    Journal of Nuclear Materials, 169 (1989), 291-298.
  2. S. Tsurekawa, H. Kurishita and H. Yoshinaga
    High Temperature Deformation Of Titanium Carbide
    Lattice Defects in Ceramics, JJAP Series 2 (1989), 47-56.
  3. 連川貞弘,桑山健太,栗下裕明,吉永日出男
    日本金属学会誌, 53, 20-27, (1989) / Mater. Trans., JIM, 30(1989), 1016-1026.


  1. 連川貞弘, 栗下裕明, 吉永日出男
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 12(1988),69-70.


  1. S. Tsurekawa, K. Kuwayama, H. Kurishita and H.Yoshinaga
    Effect of Nonstoichiometry on Mechanical Properties of Titanium Carbide Single Crystals
    Annual Reports, HVEM LAB., Kyushu Univ., 11(1987), 63-64.